Classes, Half-Life 2

Yesterday I gave my first session for the Master Course on Videogame development at the UCM. 4 hours describing and discussing the evolution of Spain’s game development industry, as well as a number of personal experiences throughout those years. It was great! I was afraid people would be bored or that I’d run out of material for such a long session. As usual, unfounded fears: the students enjoyed it, asked tons of questions until we were forced out of the classroom (including the satisfying classic "when are you coming again for another session?", yay!), and I had managed to follow the timeline with only minor deviations.

Exhausted head and mouth, but good times.

Another awesome "making of" article at Gamespot, this time about Half-Life 2. You get the clear feeling that he already prepared and wrote another one for last year. 🙂

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